Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan mengenai bagaimana cara mengakses REMOTE DVD / MP3 Menggunakan mikrokontroller ATMega dan bahasa Basic Bascom AVR. Prinsip kerja alat ini sederhana saja. yaitu menampilkan nilai dari remote ke serial monitor. Alat ini bisa digunakan untuk kendali device lain seperti TV, lampu rumah. kipas angin dan lainnya. untuk lebih jelasnya berikut adalah skema dan programnya.
a. Minimum System
b. IR Infrared Sensor / TSOP
d. Rangkaian RS232
e. Program Bascom AVR
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 8000000 'Internal RC oscillator 8 MHz
$baud = 9600
Config Pind.2 = Input
'Config Portc.2 = Output
Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 256 '8000000/256=31250 Hz
Config Int0 = Falling 'Interruption on Falling
Stop Timer0
Enable Timer0
Enable Int0
Enable Interrupts
On Timer0 Tikers 'work on timer
On Int0 Infrared 'work on interruption
Dim Tik As Word 'counter of teaks of timer
Dim Byt As Byte 'counter accepted bit
Dim Repeat_flag As Bit 'flag of repetition
Dim Start_flag As Bit 'flag of start condition
Dim Address As Byte 'byte of address
Dim Command As Byte 'byte of command
Dim Address_1 As Byte 'direct byte of address
Dim Command_1 As Byte 'direct byte of command
Dim Address_0 As Byte 'indirect byte of address
Dim Command_0 As Byte 'indirect byte of command
Dim Summa As Word
Cursor Off 'Switch Off cursor
Do 'Main cycle
'Clean LCD
Print Address ; " " ; Command 'Lcd ADDRESS and COMMAND
'If Command = 8 Then Portc.2 = 1 'If pressed key "P+" - to include LED
'If Command = 240 Then Portc.2 = 0 'If pressed key "P-" - to switch off LED
Waitms 200 'Delay 10 en
End 'End of main cycle
Tikers: 'work on timer
Timer0 = 253 '31250/(256-253)=10416,66 Hz (96 een)
Incr Tik
If Tik >= 1200 Then 'if 1200 teaks, have thrown all in source condition
Tik = 0
Repeat_flag = 0
Start_flag = 0
Address_1 = 0
Command_1 = 0
Address_0 = 0
Command_0 = 0
Address = 0
Command = 0
Stop Timer0
End If
Infrared: 'work on interruption
Start Timer0
If Tik >= 139 And Tik < 150 Then 'if has happenned from 139 before 150 teaks - "START"
Address = 1
Repeat_flag = 0
Start_flag = 1
Address_1 = 0
Command_1 = 0
Address_0 = 0
Command_0 = 0
End If
If Tik >= 116 And Tik < 139 Then 'if has happenned from 116 before 138 teaks - "REPETITION"
Address = 2
Repeat_flag = 1
Start_flag = 0
End If
If Tik >= 22 And Tik < 116 And Start_flag = 1 Then 'if has happenned from 22 before 115 teaks - have taken "1"
Incr Byt
If Byt < 9 Then
Shift Address_1 , Left
Address_1 = Address_1 + 1
End If
If Byt >= 9 And Byt < 17 Then
Shift Address_0 , Left
Address_0 = Address_0 + 1
End If
If Byt >= 17 And Byt < 25 Then
Shift Command_1 , Left
Command_1 = Command_1 + 1
End If
If Byt >= 25 Then
Shift Command_0 , Left
Command_0 = Command_0 + 1
End If
End If
If Tik >= 10 And Tik < 22 And Start_flag = 1 Then 'if has happenned from 10 before 21 teaks - have taken "0"
Incr Byt
If Byt < 9 Then
Shift Address_1 , Left
End If
If Byt >= 9 And Byt < 17 Then
Shift Address_0 , Left
End If
If Byt >= 17 And Byt < 25 Then
Shift Command_1 , Left
End If
If Byt >= 25 Then
Shift Command_0 , Left
End If
End If
Tik = 0
If Byt = 32 Then 'if have taken 4 bytes, check correctness a receiving a command
'if address or command 16-bit, check does not pass
'Summa = Address_0 + Address_1
'If Summa = 255 Then
Address = Address_1
'Address = 0
'End If
'Summa = Command_0 + Command_1
'If Summa = 255 Then
Command = Command_1
'Command = 0
'End If
Byt = 0
Repeat_flag = 0
Start_flag = 0
Stop Timer0
End If
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